Grazie Italy

We got lost in little lanes and found gorgeous little places for coffee. We lunched by Rialto Bridge and stood in St Mark’s Square, home to St Marks Basilica & Doge’s Palace.

Myanmar gets a helping hand

On another occasion a youth group danced for us, it was only later that I realised that one of the dances was a lesson on what to do if you are approached by a child smuggler.

We did Japan alphabetically

An Onsen is a public bath situated near a hot spring. There is a separate section for males and females and you must be naked. I’m the tall one at the back freaking out.

Colombia, its not what you think

Where else are the people as beautiful, energetic, creative, embracing, open and artistic? We’ve all heard of Shakira the singer, Gabriel Garcia Marquez the writer and the artist Fernando Botero.

A winter Christmas

The entire complex is made up of several buildings surrounded by a moat and walls. It is home to the Crown Jewels of England, a very popular attraction, so I would advise arriving early.

Overlanding across Colombia

The country is notorious for its world class coffee plantations. For me, life without ridiculously good coffee is like life without an essential organ, it’s one of my most favourite moments of every day.

Cruising my way around Europe

In the afternoon coffee and cake is served in the main lounge, also a lounge at the back of the vessel which serves light refreshments. They have an awesome coffee machine and excellent hot chocolates!

My first bite of the Big Apple

What a hell of a woman she was – staying with Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR) after his affair with Lucie, his secretary, then caring for him when he was stricken with Polio.

Spectacular Taiwan

While sitting knee to knee, with our eyes closed and nothing to listen to besides the soothing voice of the old monk, the worries of the world fell away.